Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Comparing 9/11 to the economic crisis? WOW

I recently ran across an article entitled, "Is the economic crisis Obama's 9/11?". The author compared the political sense of Obama and George Bush. The author believes crises can provide a President opportunities. I'm assuming "opportunities" include public interviews and press coverage. The article continues with a brief summary covering the 787 billion dollar stimulus package currently planned. The author continues on to compare Obama to President Roosevelt.

I quite agree the ecnonomic crisis is a very important issue. The effects of the ecnomic crisis will be felt for some time in the future. I however disagree with the comparason between the economic crisis and 9/11. I will not make such a comparason until a certain amount of time has passed (i.e. a decade). How can anyone know what the effects of Obama's stimulus package? Will it work well and revilatize our country's ecnonomy? Or will it be a small drop of rain in the ocean? We as observers will not know the true impact of the current crisis and "solution" until many years after Obama's Presidency.


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