Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The New/Old Army?

A Seattle publication just covered the enlistment of a 41 year old man. A man who has both children and GRANDCHILDREN joins the army. The man wants to aid his family and chose the army. The GI Bill will give his children access to college funding and give his family stable income. The man will be able to skip basic training and get sent straight to Iraq with a brief pass at Afghanistan.

Wow. The man really loves his family. I don't know if at the age of 40 I would consider joining the Army. I can understand he needs to support his family. The man is lucky the army raised the cap to 41 in an effort to widen enlistment criteria.


Student Loans Backfire

As a result of the economic downturn, many students have been unable to continue payments on their student loans. Defaulting on a loan puts a serious boundary up for a graduate to fully enter the world of success. The credit agencies record the defaulted status and release the information to interested financial institutions. The graduates cannot secure home loans and get higher credit card penalties. However, the issue is not the defaulted loans, but how might a student "rehabilitate" the loan?

I find myself eternally grateful I have not borrowed towards my graduation. In the current economic downturn, I am sure every bank refuses to give students leeway in repaying their loans. The current climate in Georgia almost assures the strictness of loan repayments. I am amazed a student, after paying to "rehabilitate" his/her loan, remains in default. I would be going crazy with the credit score burden. Even if Arizona got involved, how can they track down every loan?


Comparing 9/11 to the economic crisis? WOW

I recently ran across an article entitled, "Is the economic crisis Obama's 9/11?". The author compared the political sense of Obama and George Bush. The author believes crises can provide a President opportunities. I'm assuming "opportunities" include public interviews and press coverage. The article continues with a brief summary covering the 787 billion dollar stimulus package currently planned. The author continues on to compare Obama to President Roosevelt.

I quite agree the ecnonomic crisis is a very important issue. The effects of the ecnomic crisis will be felt for some time in the future. I however disagree with the comparason between the economic crisis and 9/11. I will not make such a comparason until a certain amount of time has passed (i.e. a decade). How can anyone know what the effects of Obama's stimulus package? Will it work well and revilatize our country's ecnonomy? Or will it be a small drop of rain in the ocean? We as observers will not know the true impact of the current crisis and "solution" until many years after Obama's Presidency.
